
Kitesurf lessons in Naxos Island

Activity ID : 5064
1 hour
Apr - Nov
Minimum participation limit 18 years
English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Spanish

Activity Description

Kitesurfing lessons with our professional instructors are the best way to get started in kitesurfing or improve your skills. We make sure you progress safely and quickly while having fun. You can achieve everything from the beginning to your first jumps! Our team is professional, experienced and highly motivated. All necessary kitesurf equipment is included in our prices. We have special equipment such as large light boards, progression kites and short line bars that make progression even faster and safer! We use professional radios (walkie talkies) so you always get direct feedback from your supervisor.

All equipment that you need is included:

  •  Different sizes of kites and bars
  •  Helmet and radios
  •  Different sizes of boards
  •  Impact vest, wetsuit, pump
  •  Harness, leash
  •  Insurance
  •  Kite center’s amenities (Hot shower, coffee, water, wifi etc)

Our gear is designed for progression:

We use the newest models of PS Eleveight accompanied with the CS Vary  control system. 

Performance Features:

  •  Swept three-strut hybrid design for rapid progression and fun sessions
  •  Amazing upwind performance and huge wind range.
  • Ultra-stable and forgiving flying characteristics.
  •  Heavy-duty built quality with strong reinforcements.
  • Care-free riding with innovative safety features and easy relaunch.

We use the newest models of Ignition twin tip  and different sizes of Process board made by Eleveight.

We use models of ION, Mystic and more for wetsuits and harnesses, impact vests and helmets.

Prerequisites for participating:

  • Be in a good health condition
  •  Be in a clear mind condition (no alcohol before your session)
  • Have good swimming skills (minimum 15 minutes in open water, without buoyancy aids)
  • Be at least 18 years old or have your parent’s permission (for children 14+)
  • Weight at least 35 kg

What you need to bring for your kite session: 

Sunscreen, sunglasses & normal beachwear. During a kitesurf session you may need to remove piercing, big watches etc.


Being in a group means you share the same kite & board with your groupmate. The more the people in a group, the less time you will have actually flying the kite. Supervision of more than one kite at a time is strictly prohibited for safety reasons.

  • Our kitesurfing center doesn’t form the groups concerning our kitesurf courses. If you want to have a group course, it’s your responsibility to find a groupmate.
  •  We cannot guarantee that you will progress at the same speed with your groupmate(s). During our kitesurfing course we will have to keep the tempo of the slower student.
  •  Our kitesurfing services are possible only with wind from the north and only at Mikri Vigla bay.
  • Your session may be cancelled due to unsuitable weather. If weather conditions don’t allow us to proceed, we will stop the session and you will be charged only for the time that you did.
  • If you take a break during your kite course, it will be included in your charging time.
  • If you are a total beginner, your first kitesurf session –   called the piloting – will be on the beach. For your safety and progression you will not start any water exercises before you have adequate kite control. If it is your first time, you can dress with casual beachwear and don’t forget to get your sunglasses with you! Don’t expect to get in the water from the first day.
  • If you are have previous experience we will still refresh the safety procedures, then we will focus on your current level trying to improve it.



  • Determine the wind direction and identify dangers.
  • Set up the kite and bar.
  • Practice releasing the bar, quick release and disconnecting from the kite.
  • Understand the wind window, find correct position for launching and landing.
  • Fly the kite controlled in all positions of the wind window, fly with one hand.
  • Walk up and downwind while keeping the kite at safe hours, learn safe beach behaviour.
  • Power up and depower the kite using the depower strap.
  • Land the kite, find the correct position for launching and launch. Use the correct hand signals.
  • Simulate the self rescue on the beach.
  • Pack the kite and bar.

B. Intermediate 

  • Relaunch the kite from the water safely.
  • Enter and exit the water independently and safely while controlling the kite.
  • Body drag downwind, upwind and keeping the line.
  • Powerstroke both directions.
  • Enter and exit with the board keeping it in the correct position. Bodydrag with the board and change direction. Recover the board with bodydrag and come back to the beach.
  • Put the board on your feet and position for waterstart.
  • Perform a powerstroke, get lifted from the water and get on the board.

C. Advanced

  • Ride a few meters both ways.
  • Riding and coming to a controlled stop both sides.
  • Control your riding speed and ride for longer distances.
  • Ride with only one hand on the bar, get the right position and ride upwind.
  • Slow down and turn without sinking.
  • Ride constantly without crashing, sinking at turns or loosing the upwind.

D. Independent

  • Ride toeside both ways.
  • Complete a toeside turn on both sides.
  • Pop over the waves.
  • Jump and land.
  • Jump and grab your board with one hand during the jump.
  • Jump and change the direction.

  •  Many activities are based on the weather, so it is recommended that you contact the company before the activity.
  • It is a good idea to be at the meeting point on time, before the scheduled start time.
  • After your reservation it is enough to give your details to the cooperating company so that you can carry out your activity. However, it is recommended that you have the booking confirmed in digital or printed form.
  • Read the benefits of the activity carefully to avoid possible extra charges from additional optional services.
  • Read the cancellation policy carefully before booking.

Available options

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from 80.00 € / person
Wing foil courses in Naxos
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